• General

    Why I Write

    “Piece of shit!” – THUNK – and then, “Sorry.” – the creaking noise an old door makes when it’s being open – At least, that’s the sound I imagine when I open my tablet back up after my motivation sort of side-steps the frustration I feel for how terribly this “innovative” piece of technology is working. Or not working. Back to my precious alter-reality. There’s nothing you can say that will change my mind. I’m bored, in the least crass and all-encompassing respects of the word. Well what can I do to interest you? How can I change the way you feel? How can I change? I wish the keyboard’s communication…

  • Blog

    Despair and Writing

    “Piece of shit!” – THUNK – and then, “Sorry.” – the creaking noise an old door makes when it’s being open – At least, that’s the sound I imagine when I open my tablet back up after my motivation sort of side-steps the frustration I feel for how terribly this “innovative” piece of technology is working. Or not working. Back to my precious alter-reality. There’s nothing you can say that will change my mind. I’m bored, in the least crass and all-encompassing respects of the word. Well what can I do to interest you? How can I change the way you feel? How can I change? I wish the keyboard’s communication…