
The Sunshine Blogger Award

The lovely Deekay from Daily Dose of Reading nominated me for The Sunshine Blogger Award, for which I am surprised, excited, and grateful. Thank you so much! Be sure to check out her blog and her own Sunshine Blogger Award post, and keep reading for my answers to her questions.

First, the rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you by linking their blog.
  • Answer the questions.
  • Nominate 11 blogs with 11 questions.
  • List the rules as well as display the award logo on your post.

The Sunshine Blogger Award

Second, Deekay’s questions:

1) What are the best 3 books you have read so far this year?

Jumping right in with a hard question, I see. 2018 has been a fantastic reading year for me; I’ve loved just about all 40+ books I’ve read. After some grueling thought on how best to define “best”, here they are:

2) If you could live in a fictional world, which world would you choose to live in?


3) What are some of your favorite unique fictional characters’ names?

Hmm…it seems like every fictional name I’ve ever read has left my brain. I suppose Kelsier from The Final Empire (Mistborn #1) is one of my favorite names – mainly because it’s a variation of my own. And Ysabeau from the All Souls Trilogy.

4) Imagine yourself in a zombie apocalypse world. The main character of your current read will be your partner that helps you – will you survive the apocalypse?

If I had done this before finishing The Gilded King by Josie Jaffrey, I would probably have said hell-to-the-yes. But since I started rereading The Italian by Ann Radcliffe, I’m a little less sure. Schedoni would possibly be quite ruthless during an apocalypse, but he would just as possibly kill me, so I guess my answer is no.


5) What are some of your least favorite tropes?

I’m really not a fan of romantically pairing all/most main characters up by the end of a book or series for the sake of a neat and tidy conclusion (one seresn partcular comes to mnd). I love a good romance and a happily ever after ending, but if insurmountable tension and differences – which makes some romances or relationships more indulgent – are suddenly cast aside in the last few pages because the characters are “destined” to be together, I’m going to be a little annoyed. I’d prefer a cliffhanger over a quick and easy marriage/consummation. Lookin’ at you too, Spinning Silver.

6) What are some of your favorite underrated books?

What Kitty Did Next by Carrie Kablean; Heavenward by Olga Gibbs;The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis; Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah; The Last Equation of Isaac Severy by Nova Jacobs; Nothing Gold Can Stay: Stories by Ron Rash; Goodbye, Vitamin by Rachel Khong; Small Country by Gaël Faye (in the US, as I know it’s internationally well-known);The Gilded King by Josie Jaffrey.

7) Is there any magical or mythical fictional creature you want as a pet? If yes, which one?

A porg. They’re so cute and lovable – even when they’re screaming.


8) Are you a standalone reader or a series reader?


9) If you could change lives for a day with your favorite book character, which character would it be and why?

She isn’t necessarily my favorite book character of all time, but Clara Driscoll from Clara and Mr. Tiffany would definitely be someone I’d like to change places with for a day.

10) How do you overcome tough and hard challenges in life?

Crying, the occasional pity partying, and then journaling, planning, and working hard to just deal with those challenges and/or make changes when applicable. Basically, take responsibility for my success.

11) What do you hope to achieve in 2019?

Self confidence, the alleviation of my insecurities, happiness, and reading at least 100 books!

Third, my nominees:

Nemesis Blog

What Rebecca’s Read

Shirley Cuypers

Chapter in my Life


You Can Always Start Now

Pages and Tea

Lit Lemon

Zooloo’s Book Diary

My Daily Journal

Adventures of a Bibliophile

And fourth, my questions:

1) What is something you’re obsessed with right now?

2) Do you have a favorite inspirational quote? 

3) What is your favorite thing about yourself?

4) If you could travel anywhere (fictional or non-fictional) right now, where would you go?

5) What book would you take with you, and why?

6) Which book do you find yourself always recommending?

7) Have you discovered any now-favorite books by reading about them on a book (or general) blog?

8) What is the last book or magazine or movie or item you checked out from the library?

9) What is the last object you used for a bookmark (can be an actual bookmark)?

10) Do you keep track of all the books you own (in a spreadsheet, notebook, etc.)?

11) What is your favorite reading weather?

Thank you again to Deekay for nominating me – you came up with some great questions! And thanks to you, reader, if you’ve read up to here. Share your thoughts about any of my answers or the questions themselves in the comments – I’d love to chat.



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