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Books I Want to Read Tag

Thank you to the wonderful Vicky (The Roaring Bookworm) for thinking of me for this tag. It may just be the most difficult one I’ve done yet…because I’m indecisive and notoriously have a hard time choosing just one book for each prompt in a tag. 😊😎

The Rules: 

A book you feel you need to read because everybody’s talking about it:

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid. Even though I love character driven novels – and from everything I’ve read this book is all about the characters – the whole interview thing is sort of off-putting to me. The premise of “suddenly” choosing this one journalist to cover her life story just seems so randomly uninteresting. I’m sure I’ll get past that eventually. 

A book that’s really long:

My eyes went directly to The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas on my shelves. One day…

A book you’ve had on your bookshelf or TBR list for far too long:

Another eye-catcher is Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. I have started this book a number of times, and while I have no problem letting books go that I just can’t finish, for some reason I feel some deep connection to this book I can’t seem to get through. ONE. DAY.

A book that is “required reading” (e.g. a school text or popular classic – something you feel obligated to read):

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The only Puritan-related books I’m interested in are those about the Salem Witch Trials, which occurred about forty years after this book takes place, so the only piece of me that wants to read this book is the one that’s interested in the themes. It’s really just the setting that keeps this book unread for now [on my bookshelf, no less].

A book that intimidates you:

A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. The language is extremely intimidating to me.

A book you think may be slow:

I’m sort of expecting The Secret History by Donna Tartt to be slow, because The Goldfinch (which I enjoyed) has a relatively slow pace.

A book that you need to be in the right mood for:

I have realized I need to be in the right mood for The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien in order to direct my full attention to the details. Which is why it’s been about two years since I seriously started reading the series book for the first time.

A book you’re unsure you’ll like:

Melmoth by Sarah Perry, because of what I thought of The Essex Serpent

Update (09/2019): I was right. Read my thoughts on Melmoth here.

There you have it. Debate/Persuade/Relate to me in a comment below, and be sure to visit Vicky The Roaring Bookworm and Jamieson at Jamishelves for their answers (and their superb blogs).

I Tag:


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