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From My Bookshelf: Year Four Giveaway

There’s Something About A Giveaway

This month’s From My Bookshelf is a bit different than all the FMB posts that have come before it. Since I’m currently celebrating my fourth blogiversary (in this fourth month of the year), and am working on keeping only the books that bring me absolute joy, this month’s From My Bookshelf feature is doubling as There’s Something About KM’s first Giveaway (US only).


I will be giving away four Barnes & Noble Collectible Paperback Editions in almost-new condition (this giveaway is not affiliated with Barnes & Noble). I’ve only read through Lewis Carroll’s book, so that one is a little more flexible than the others. 


I am a proponent of collecting multiple editions of the same book because, especially in the case of Classics, it’s fun to compare cover and end paper design changes made throughout the years, and what’s not fun about having multiples of something you love? 

Anyway, I have made (and backtracked, then backtracked again) the decision not to collect these editions. I love their sprayed edged, ribbon bookmarked, soft hardcovered, colorful end papered selves, but I really want to make more room on my shelves for other editions and books I have my eyes on. I want to add the Penguin Classics edition of Frankenstein to my personal library; I already have multiple editions of Pride and Prejudice and Wuthering Heights that I love; and I recently read Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and didn’t like it – I couldn’t finish Through the Looking-Glass – so I don’t need to have it on my shelves. 


I will be running this giveaway from Tuesday, April 9th to Tuesday, April 30th.


Enter using the Rafflecopter form below. Because of shipping costs, I am only able to open this to residents of the United States. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I will announce the winner on May 1st, and contact him or her to get a United States address where I can mail the books. I hope you’re as excited to enter as I am to hold this giveaway; these books deserve an attentive home. 😊📚

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